As I write this it is overcast and rainy outside my window. It is 77 degrees with a cool breeze which is unusual this time of year. From what I see on the Website for Costa Rica the weather is about the same as here but it rains in the afternoon and evening. So the weather for my trip will be the same as what I am used to here in Florida.
Continuing with my prep for my first trip out of the country I decided to make a list so I don’t forget anything. I don’t know about you but my worst nightmare would be flying into the country only to find that you forgot your passport.
Luckily the workshop that I signed up for is sending out emails to help guide us along the way. So here is where I am at. The workshop is signed up for. My flights are booked. I don’t like to fly so I found a nonstop flight out of Orlando, Florida to Costa Rica and booked it round trip. I still haven’t heard if you have to check your electronics or if you can carry them on. It doesn’t matter my tickets will allow 1 checked bag.
Okay now that is workshop booked, passport received and flight booked. What is the next thing on the list? Vaccinations!!! Oh no I don’t like shots either. After looking at the list I see I have had all the vaccinations except for Hepatitis A and Typhoid. I noticed that the word recommends was in the sentence. Since I have a few medical problems which are all well controlled I thought I was home free.
Not so fast it said check with your doctor. Since I just had a great checkup a few days earlier I figured she would say you don’t need it. Wrong. But here is the kicker, the Hep A is a 2 part shot six months apart. Not good since I only have 4 months before I will be leaving. So she said you can go with only the first shot just don’t drink the water. Where have I heard that before? She explained it isn’t that the water is unsafe I just wasn’t used to it. So better be safe that sorry.
So off I went to the Health Department to get my shots. They weren’t cheap and since it was for traveling abroad they weren’t covered by my health insurance. I won’t quote prices because it could be cheaper or more expensive depending on where you live.
After getting the shots I asked the nurse if there would be any reactions. Boy was she wrong. Since I had both on the same day I don’t know which one I reacted to. I won’t describe my reactions lets just say I almost went to the ER. I don’t want to scare anyone just be aware. I don’t normally get reactions to any shots so this was a first for me.
As I go through the list I will let you know how I am doing so you can compile a list of your own for when you travel. Remember this is a first for me so I am doing this by trial and error.
Till next time happy traveling.
Peggy Sue